A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

174 Chapter 8: Exercise Programming Figure 8.4. Inverse Relationship Between Intensity, Volume and Frequency Figure 8.5. Relationship Between Intensity, Volume and Frequency and Performance Other Exercise Programming Variables In addition to intensity, volume and frequency, there are several other important exercise programming variables to consider. Some of these variables include specificity, recovery, and variation. Israetel et al. (2015) proposes there is a hierarchy in terms of exercise programming variables (Figure 8.6). In essence, some variables are more important than others in terms of their role and influence and therefore should receive priority. Figure 8.6. Hierarchy of Training Variables • Specificity. The principle of specificity implies that in order to become better at a particular task or skill, you must regularly perform that task or skill. According to the principle of specificity, running on a regular basis will be much more effective for improving your run performance than regular participation in biking and swimming. Additionally, regularly performing the back squat will be much more effective at improving squat performance than