A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

181 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise When performing both in the same session, Fyfe et al. (2014a) recommend to always perform resistance training first as the residual fatigue generated from endurance training can limit the amount of volume that can be performed in the subsequent resistance training session. 3 Steps of Program Design So far, we have discussed the different components of fitness, ACSM, AHA, CDC recommendations for endurance, strength and mobility training, the relationship between intensity, volume and frequency and the stimulus-recovery-adaptation (SRA) curve. The next step is to combine and use this information to design a weekly training template based on the individual’s overall training goal (e.g., improve health, lose weight, run faster/farther, lift heavier, get bigger). Step 1: Determine the number of days per week you plan on allotting for exercise. In doing so, be sure to meet the minimum frequency requirements set forth by the ASCM. Specifically: • Endurance training: 5 days per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity OR 3 days per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity OR an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activity • Strength training: 2 days per week • Mobility training: 2-3 days per week Remember, these are the minimum recommendations. Additional sessions per week will likely be required for those components of fitness considered weak or lacking. Additionally, be sure to adhere to the stimulus recovery adaptation (SRA) recommendations in regard to the timing of subsequent training sessions. Specifically: • Low-intensity endurance / strength training: 24 hours of recovery • Moderate-intensity endurance / strength training: 48 hours of recovery • High-intensity endurance / strength training: 72+ hours of recovery Provided below is a sample training template for an individual who has average endurance and mobility but below average strength (as determined through fitness testing). Although this individual’s schedule permits them only one hour to workout, their schedule does allow them to work out every day. As a result, they opt for a 7-day per week training schedule. Based on ACSM, AHA, and CDC recommendations, they opt to perform both endurance and mobility training 3 days per week (for maintenance) and strength training 4 days per week (for improvement). Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Endurance Strength Endurance Strength Off Endurance Off Mobility Mobility Mobility