A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

186 Chapter 8: Exercise Programming 9. Perform at least 10 minutes of mobility work every day. In order to counteract the effects of prolonged sitting, it is recommended to perform at least 3-5 mobility exercises and/or stretches daily. Ideally, individuals should strive to perform at least four minutes of mobility work for every 30 minutes of continuous sitting (Starrett, 2015). 10. Aggressively train your weaknesses while maintaining your strengths. The tendency for most individuals is to train what they enjoy and/or are good at. However, doing so can lead to physiological imbalances that can negatively affect performance and/or increase injury risk. Instead, it would be better to identify (through periodic fitness testing) and tailor training to known weaknesses. Summary • Although there are 12 different components of fitness, some are more important than others and thus have training priority. The top three fundamental components of fitness include cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and mobility. • According to recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), American Heart Association (AHA), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vigorous-intensity endurance training should be performed at least three days per week (or moderate-intensity endurance training at least five days per week); strength training should be performed at least two days per week; and mobility training should be performed at least two to three days per week. It is important to note, however, that these are the recommended minimums and if you are deficit in a particular area, you should do more than the minimums. • There is an inverse relationship between exercise intensity, volume, and frequency. As one variable increases, reductions will need to be made in the other two in order to prevent overtraining and/or injury. • It is important to remember that the physiological and beneficial adaptations associated with chronic exercise occur during recovery, not training. The amount of time required to fully recover depends on the type and intensity of training performed. • The order in which exercises are performed does appear to matter when combining strength and endurance training into a single training session. Therefore, whichever component of fitness (i.e., strength or endurance) needs the most work should be performed first. However, if strength training and endurance training are performed at different times on the same day (e.g., morning and evening workouts), then the order has no consequence. • There are essentially three steps to design a comprehensive exercise training plan based on an individual’s overall training goals: 1) Determine the number of days per week to allot for exercise, 2) decide the type of exercise training plan for each fitness component, and 3) list the exact training parameters for each training session.