A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

209 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise Grain Group Examples (Includes Whole and Refined Grains) Food Item Serving Size Food Item Serving Size Brown Rice (Cooked) 1 Cup Pretzels 2 oz Couscous 1 Cup Wheat Bread 2 Slices Oatmeal 1 Cup White Bread 2 Slices Quinoa 1 Cup Wheat Crackers 6 crackers (1 oz) White Rice (Cooked) 1 Cup Cornbread 1 Piece (60 g) Whole Wheat Pasta 1 Cup Bagel 1 Bagel (3½ in. dia) Cereal (Cheerios) 1½ Cup Biscuit 4 Biscuits (1½“ dia) Grits 1½ Cup Pancakes 1 Pancake (7“ dia) Hominy 1¾ Cup Pita Bread 1 Large Pita (6½ in. dia) Popcorn 2 Cups Naan Bread 1 Piece (6“ dia) Protein Group Examples (Includes Meats, Beans and Peas, Soy Products, Eggs, Nuts and Seeds, and Seafood) Food Item Serving Size Food Item Serving Size Almonds ¼ Cup Salmon 3 oz Cashews ¼ Cup Turkey 3 oz Chia Seeds ¼ Cup Tilapia 4 oz Walnuts ¼ Cup Tuna 5 oz Lentils ½ Cup Halibut 5 oz Black-Eyed Peas ¾ Cup Scallops 6 oz Pinto Beans ¾ Cup Shrimp 6 oz Beef 3 oz Tofu 8 oz Chicken 3 oz Peanut Butter 2 Tablespoons Pork 3 oz Eggs 2 Large Eggs