A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

255 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise Eccentric contraction: A type of muscle activation that increases tension on a muscle as it lengthens. Eccentric training: A method of strength training for advanced lifters in which more weight Is added to the bar than can be lifted concentrically. Ejection fraction: A measurement, expressed as a percentage, of how much blood the left ventricle pumps out with each contraction. Elasticity: The ability of connective tissue to return to its original length after a passive stretch. Electrolytes: Electrolytes are minerals found in the body fluids. They include sodium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride. When you are dehydrated, your body does not have enough fluid and electrolytes. Electron transport chain (ETC): A series of complexes that transfer electrons from electron donors to electron acceptors and couples with the transfer of protons across a membrane. Epinephrine: A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion. Essential amino acids (aka indispensable amino acids): Amino acids that must be consumed in the diet because the body cannot make them. Eustress: Good or positive stress. Exercise activity thermogenesis: The energy expended during exercise. This does not include the energy expended while performing normal daily tasks (e.g., working, studying, walking to class). Exercise economy: Relates to the quantity of oxygen (ml/kg/min) required to move at a given speed or generate a specific amount of power and influenced by a number of factors including neuro-muscular co-ordination, percentage of type I muscle fibers, elastic energy storage, and joint stability and flexibility. Exercise energy expenditure: Amount of energy expended during physical activity (e.g., endurance training, strength training). Exhaustion stage: Final stage of the stress response. After an extended period of stress, the body has depleted all of its energy resources by continually trying, but failing, to recover from the initial alarm reaction stage. Fad diet: A diet that promises quick weight loss through unhealthy and unbalanced dietary means. Fartlek training: Swedish for “speed play”, is a form of endurance training that combines long slow distance (LSD) with interval training.