A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

15 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise Chapter 2 Basic Nutrition Key Terms: Amenorrhea Amino acids Anabolism Anorexia athletica Anorexia nervosa Binge eating disorder Bulimia nervosa Carbohydrates Catabolism Celiac disease Cholesterol Complete protein Conditional amino acid Dietary reference intake Disaccharides Disordered eating Electrolytes Essential amino acids Fad diet Fat Fat-soluble vitamins Fatty acids Female athlete triad Fiber Gluten Glycemic index Glycemic load Incomplete protein Insoluble fiber Intermittent fasting Ketoacidosis Ketones Macronutrients Micronutrients Minerals Monosaccharides Monounsaturated fat Muscle dysmorphia Non-celiac gluten sensitivity Nonessential amino acids Nutrient Nutrition Phytochemicals Polysaccharides Polyunsaturated fat Protein Saturated fat Soluble fiber Trace mineral Trans fat Vegan Vegetarian Vitamins Water-soluble vitamins Learning Objectives: • Identify and understand the function of the four macronutrients • Name at least 3 foods that are high in each macronutrient • Identify and understand the function of micronutrients • Name at least 3 vitamins and 3 minerals and their value in a healthy diet • Identify and understand the 6 types of eating disorders • Know how to choose a healthy diet plan and recognize the features of a fad diet