A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

24 Chapter 2: Basic Nutrition to water balance. An individual’s hydration status can easily be assessed by their urine color and frequency. For example, Table 2.10 provides estimated hydration status based on urine color (Urine Colors, n.d.). In terms of frequency, optimal hydration is generally associated with urination of about every 1-2 hours while awake. Table 2.10. Hydration Status Based on Urine Color. Well-Hydrated Hydrated Partially Hydrated Partially Dehydrated Dehydrated Drink water as normal Drink a small glass of water now Drink a ½ bottle (¼ liter) of water within the hour Drink a ½ bottle (¼ liter) now Drink 2 bottles (1 liter) of water now The AI for water, published by the Institute of Medicine (2005), for men and women over the age of 19 is 3.7 liters (or about 15.5 cups) and 2.7 liters (or about 11.4 cups) per day, respectively. This includes water from both foods and beverages. The recommendation for beverages alone is 3 liters (or about 13 cups) and 2.2 liters (about 9 cups), respectively (Fink & Mikesky, 2021). Eating a well-balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables can also help contribute to daily fluid intake. Table 2.11 provides additional recommendations for daily water intake (Quinn, 2020). Table 2.11. Water Intake Recommendations in Fluid Ounces per Day Low End High End General health (not including exercise) Bodyweight (lbs.) x 0.5 Bodyweight (lbs.) x 1.0 2 hours before exercise 16 oz. 24 oz. 20-30 minutes before exercise 8 oz. - During normal exercise (≤ 60 min.) 8 oz. every 15 min. - During high-intensity exercise (≥ 90 min.) * 8 oz. every 15-30 min. 10 oz. every 15-30 min. After exercise 16 oz. for every lb. lost 24 oz. for every lb. lost * Carbohydrate/electrolyte replenishing sports drink with 60-100 kcal per 8 oz. serving Micronutrients Unlike macronutrients (excluding water), micronutrients do not provide energy (calories). Additionally, although vital for normal growth and development, micronutrients are only required in trace amounts. Micronutrients can be divided into four categories: water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, major minerals and trace minerals. Vitamins are any group of organic compounds, either acquired from food or produced by the body, which are necessary for the regulation of certain metabolic processes. For example, vitamins help to support bone health, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and the B vitamins. Fat- soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K. Any excess of water-soluble