A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

41 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise Chapter 3 Weight Management Key Terms: Android Basal metabolic rate Body composition Body mass index Caloric balance Caloric expenditure Circuit training Circumference measurements Exercise activity thermogenesis Fat cell theory Food composition Food deserts Glandular disorder theory Gynoid Hierarchy of fat loss High-intensity interval training Hyperthyroidism Hypertrophy Low-intensity steady state Meal planning made easy MyPlate Non-exercise activity thermogenesis Nutrient timing Obesity Percent body fat Physical activity level factors Positive energy balance Positive nitrogen balance Set point theory Subcutaneous fat Thermal effect of food Traditional resistance training Visceral fat Waist circumference Waist-to-hip ratio Weight cycling Weight management Learning Objectives: • Understand the prevalence of obesity in America and the associated health problems • Identify the current theories which describe and the factors which lead to weight gain • Determine how to calculate individual daily caloric intake • Outline strategies to lose weight effectively and maintain an overall healthy weight • Describe various ways to assess body composition • Learn to set realistic fat-loss goals through making permanent lifestyle changes • Learn how to establish a healthy meal plan habit based on appropriate weight goals