A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

52 Chapter 3: Weight Management HIIT. If you have more than 6 hours to exercise each week you could engage in ST, HIIT, as well as LISS. Sample ST workouts for fat loss are provided in Table 3.3. Sample ET workouts for fat loss are provided in Table 3.4. Table 3.2. Prioritizing Training for Fat Loss Available Time Recommended Exercise Type ≤ 3 hours per week ST 3-6 hours per week ST & HIIT > 6 hours per week ST, HIIT & LISS Table 3.3. Sample Strength Training Workouts for Fat Loss Circuit Training Traditional ST 3-5 rounds of 12-15 reps: • Chest Press • Lat Pulldowns • Overhead Press • Leg Press • Leg Curls • Back Extension No rest between exercises 2-3 min. rest between sets • 3 x 6 Bench Press • 3 x 6 Bent Over Row • 3 x 6 Shoulder Press • 3 x 6 Back Squat • 3 x 6 Hex Bar Deadlift Table 3.4. Sample Endurance Training Workouts for Fat Loss Sample HIIT Sample LISS 10 sets of: • 1-min at 90% of maximum intensity • 1-min at 50% of maximum intensity (Protocol can be performed using a variety of aerobic activities to include Airdyne bike, elliptical trainer, rower) 60 minutes of walking