A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

65 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise Chapter 4 Stress Management and Sleep Key Terms: Alarm stage Anxiety Chronic sleep deprivation Circadian biological clock Cortisol Depression Distress Dopamine Drive theory Emotional intelligence Epinephrine Eustress Exhaustion stage Fight-or-flight response Insomnia Inverted-U theory IZOF theory Jet lag Melatonin Norepinephrine Oxytocin Procrastination Relational wisdom Resistance stage Self-induced stressors Sleep deprivation Sleep hygiene Sleep-wake homeostasis Stress Stress management Stress response Stressor Sympathetic nervous system Tend-and-befriend response Learning Objectives: • Explore what the Bible says about trials, anxiety, tribulation and sleep • Understand what stress is, its causes and the difference between stress and stressors • Explain the basic physiology of the stress response • List signs and symptoms of prolonged stress and identify ways in which one can minimize self-caused stressors • Understand the causes and treatment of depression and suicide • Understand the scope, causes and effects of sleep deprivation • Understand how much sleep one needs and identify ways to improve one’s quality of sleep