Townhouse Guidelines 2024-25

10 TOWNHOUSE GUESTS Each townhouse is a single-gender housing unit. Students are permitted to have same-gender guests stay in their room overnight. The following guidelines should be observed when hosting others in your townhouse: ƒ Students of the opposite gender are never permitted in the bedroom. ƒ Opposite gender guests are permitted from 11 a.m. until 1 a.m. ƒ Couples should not be alone in the townhouses. ƒ Violation of these guidelines related to opposite gender guests may result in dismissal. PRANKS AND DISTURBANCES Pranks have the potential to damage University or personal property, harm our testimony, and hurt others. To prevent damage to property, water fights or disturbances involving other damaging substances are not permitted in or around the townhouses, residence halls, or campus buildings. In addition, students should not interfere with, or alter in any way, another student’s room or its contents. Tampering with another’s personal possessions, including his or her automobile, is also inappropriate. Students involved in such pranks will receive at least a $15 fine and be responsible for restitution for any damages that occur. MEDIA DISCERNMENT Cedarville University encourages students to think carefully about their choices in entertainment, in terms of the content’s impact on self and others as well as stewardship of their time and money. Current media rating systems provide a helpful starting point for the discerning Christian but should not be considered infallible. Although many movies, TV shows, or video games with restricted ratings (R-, TV-MA-, etc.) are clearly inappropriate, even titles with less restrictive ratings (e.g., PG-13) may be equally inappropriate. Cedarville encourages students to Biblically evaluate how the movie, show, music, or other media they consume presents a worldview and how that worldview does or does not align with Scripture. Students should prayerfully use discernment in choosing what media to avoid based on their worldview and/or the amount of time the students spend consuming them compared to their time with the Lord each day. Additional Considerations About Media: ƒ In the use of media (including, but not limited to, physical or streaming music, movies, TV, and live events), students should legally obtain all such media and should comply with all copyright laws. ƒ Students should not use University space other than their residence hall room or lounge, such as classrooms, collaboration rooms, study rooms, and public lounges, or University property to view media unless the student has obtained a license for public viewing. Students are solely liable for violations of copyright law. ƒ Students should also show respect and courtesy for others in the residence hall community by controlling the volume and content of all media.