Undergraduate Student Handbook 2024-25

The complete Academic Integrity Policy may be found at cedarville.edu/academicintegrity. The grade appeals process may be found at cedarville.edu/gradeappealprocess. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PLEDGE With my pledge to affirm the Cedarville Covenant, I attest that all work I submit in person, online, or in any other format as my own is my own work and is in accordance with the standards of the Academic Integrity Policy. As a member of this community, I will love God and others, live with integrity, and pursue excellence in all that I do. Signature_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date_ _____________________________________________________________________________ “Whatever you do ... do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT One way students live out this commitment to excellence is by adhering to very high standards of academic integrity. Our Academic Integrity Pledge and a link to the Academic Integrity Policy are provided below. These statements are integrated into the Cedarville culture. You will see them in your syllabi, sign them in some of your courses, and recite them together during events such as convocations. These are ways that demonstrate our commitment as a University to be a place where people live with integrity and where we pursue excellence in all that we do. The Academic Integrity Pledge is a commitment to live with integrity in all areas of life, including the classroom. All forms of academic dishonesty violate this pledge and could result in dismissal from this community. 22