Undergraduate Student Handbook 2024-25

THE LORD’S DAY As a community, we protect Sunday to encourage the pattern of setting aside our work to rest, refocus our attention on Jesus Christ, and renew ourselves spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. This includes a campuswide adjustment of the usual daily pace and schedule and an effort to encourage involvement in worship, growth, and ministry. To support these efforts, the University does not schedule classes on Sundays and limits other types of scheduled activities. Facilities like the Stevens Student Center and the Recreation Center remain open to provide opportunities for social interaction and physical refreshment. CEDARVILLE’S POSITION ON SIGN GIFTS AND SPEAKING IN TONGUES Most of the issues discussed in this section deal with issues related to spiritual disciplines. One doctrinal issue that we wish to clarify is that of sign gifts. By sign gifts we are referring to things like speaking in tongues, uttering extrabiblical words of prophecy, or attempting to perform miraculous healings. We recognize that these gifts played an important role in the establishment and growth of the early Church, and we acknowledge that godly people hold a variety of opinions about the role of these gifts in the Church today. Historically, the use of these gifts in an unbiblical or improper manner has led to division within the body of Christ. At Cedarville, students agree to abstain from the public practice or promotion of the sign gifts on the Cedarville campus or at any University-sponsored event. This policy is not intended as a statement of judgment against fellow Christians who believe or practice these gifts. We also ask students in leadership positions or on traveling teams representing the University not to advocate theological positions that are inconsistent with the University doctrinal statement. 9