Cedars, March 2018

March 2018 15 ART & ENTERTAINMENT leader to put into other people’s mouths what they’re going to be singing to the Lord. It’s a huge weight, and we don’t take that lightly.” During the school year, HeartSong per- forms in chapel on CU Fridays and during All-Access visits. The four teams meet twice a week: Once for a three-hour rehearsal, and once with all four teams for practical ministry training with Waltz. During prac- tices, led by team leaders and supervised by Cato and Kelly, the teams fine-tune their sets as well as form a tighter bond. Ministry training consists of learning how to navigate conflict resolution, coun- seling with Mindy May and evangelism with Jon Wood. Team members also learn how to apply each of HeartSong’s mission statement principles: Centering on Jesus, Worshiping Exclusively, Growing Togeth- er, Living Connected, Serving Selflessly and Representing Well. “When we send teams out they’re equipped for ministry, so they represent Heartsong’s ministry, the name of Cedar- ville University, and ultimately the name of Jesus well,” Kelly said. But what makes HeartSong unique is the touring aspect of their ministry. Five weekends out of the school year, they trav- el to church camp retreats to lead worship. The touring, however, begins in the sum- mer, when each of the four teams embark on a 10-week tour in which they travel all over Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky. While teams are on the road, only a small portion of their time is spent leading worship. For the rest of the weekend, they function as a normal camp counselor, doing activities with the kids and seeking to have conversations about Jesus. “I was completely shocked about how much it’s about people and not necessarily about music,” senior worship major Melissa Martin, a two-year member said. “We use music as a tool to create relationships and point people to the gospel.” Cato feels that defining genuine wor- ship is at the core of HeartSong’s mission and is desperately needed in the church. For HeartSong, he said, worship isn’t something just for the band on stage, but a corporate reality that includes the entire church body coming together. While on tour, HeartSong members are constantly reminded to impress from a dis- tance and impact up close. While music can aid in producing worship, music does not equal worship, Cato said. Acts of worship can be lived out in the everyday, mundane activities, such as a HeartSong member living in a host family’s home washing the dishes. “That may be more powerful than any- thing we do on stage,” Cato said. “It’s those up-close moments with people where we live out the gospel and that becomes an act of worship.” Throughout his time with HeartSong, O’Mara has discovered the usefulness of worship for ministry. “Worship has two distinct roles,” he said. “The first one is obviously to bring honor and praise to God, but the second one is that it’s very practically a tool for us to connect with students.” Another large part of touring is recruit- ing for Cedarville University. While Cato said that recruiting and worship groups used to be kept separate, connecting the campers to the admissions office is a goal. “I made a shift in that because why wouldn’t we talk about the school a lot?” Cato said. “It’s like two wings of an air- plane: there’s recruiting and marketing, and there’s ministry.” HeartSong makes it a priority to have hard conversations with campers about their future; not to manipulate them, but to pray with them about God’s will for their lives. Additionally, HeartSong members write personal handwritten postcards to campers they met on retreats or at camps. Whether they recount a personal memory, send scriptural encouragement, or invite them to come experience Cedarville. Their intention is to show the campers they care and solidify that connection. HeartSong presents many future op- portunities for its members; Kelly receives several emails a week from local churches looking for a worship pastor. Besides preparing them for a future occupation, HeartSong helps students grow closer to each other and to Christ through becoming a better minister and getting out- side their comfort zone to have effective, bold, gospel-centered conversations. Senior biblical studies major Andrew Hile, a three-year drummer and Orange Team leader, said he learned to selflessly serve. “The biggest thing that I’ve learned is how to serve faithfully where God has placed you, even at times when you’re tired and don’t feel like it,” Hile said. HeartSong has used a unique combina- tion of music and ministry that is motivated by the gospel to reach many campers and students alike with the message of Christ. “It’s the double-edged sword, a two-sid- ed coin — it’s not just music, it’s ministry,” Kelly said. “Our impact really is so deep and wide that it’s hard to contain. The gospel for us is not just some random concept or trite saying — it’s a life-changing experience.” Going forward, Cato hopes to continue building HeartSong’s identity alongside Ce- darville’s ideals. “I really believe in Cedarville. I believe in the big-picture concept that we are bib- lically conservative but culturally relevant,” Cato said. “I want HeartSong to get better at telling that story.” On March 17, HeartSong recorded its new live album, “Foundations.” Focusing on the congregational sound and deeply root- ed in Scripture, the album will pull together several time-honored hymns as well as up- lifting contemporary favorites. Katie Milligan is a freshman English ma- jor. She enjoys taking Polaroid photos, eat- ing pasta and watching Disney movies. DO YOU WANT TO SERVE GOD, BUT FEEL DRAWN TO A SO- CALLED ‘ SECULAR ’ PROFESS I ON? GO, THEREFORE AND TAKE YOUR JOB WI TH YOU . Scatter helps people who are NOT called to give up their career find their unique place in the kingdom of God. Available wherever books are sold and at MOODYPUB L I SHE R S . COM “We’re not just up on the platform singing fluff. We want to be able to preach the gospel through what we’re singing.” Ashlynn Kelly ministry and event coordinator