Cedars, August 2019

August 2019 6 FRESHMAN ISSUE More or Less: The Logistics of a Schedule to Suit You By Breanna Beers S o you’ve made it to college, and you’re already wondering: Is there any way I could not be in all these classes right now? After the first week of classes, chang- ing your schedule requires a Drop/Add Form, which can be obtained in the Office of the Registrar (SSC-132). Entering from the lower SSC, the Office of the Registrar is the first door past all the mailboxes at the end of the hallway between the post office and the bookstore. Keep in mind that the Office of the Reg- istrar is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., which affects both when you can pick up the form and when you can drop it off. Because it needs to be signed by both your adviser and the instructor of the class, it may take some time before it is ready to be returned. Dropping a class may be part of a gen- eral schedule change or a strategy to avoid displaying failing grades on your transcript. However, if you are failing a class, consid- er the other options available to you before dropping. Attend review sessions and get help from the Cove. Talk to your instruc- tor and your advisor as early as possible to get advice on how you could improve in the course, what the difficulty level looks like going forward, and whether you should con- sider dropping. However, don’t be ashamed if you de- cide to drop a class. It may be advantageous to wait to retake it during a lighter semester or even over the summer, when you can give challenging material your full attention. The Office of the Registrar will send email reminders of the various drop/add deadlines as the year continues, but here’s a summary: • Dropping a class before Aug. 30 leaves no record on your transcript, and you will receive a 75% refund of any overcap credits. Adding a class after Aug. 30 will incur a $50 late registration fee. • Dropping a class between Sept. 2 and Oct. 25 will show a “W” on your transcript, representing that you have withdrawn, but no grades will be displayed. • Dropping a class between Oct. 28 and Nov. 8 will show a “WP” for withdrawn passing or a “WF” for withdrawn failing. • After Nov. 11, it is too late to drop a class. For those of you looking to magnify your schedule rather than minimize it, au- diting a course can be a way to exceed that pesky 17-credit maximum while limiting overcap charges. Auditing simply means taking a class without receiving credits. Au- dited courses still appear on your transcript but display the letters “AU” instead of a grade. A course must be changed from cred- it to audit (or vice versa) before Aug. 30. See the Office of the Registrar for the appropri- ate form. In addition to lowering surcharges, au- diting can let you take a fun elective without worrying about the grade on your transcript. However, if you do well, you may regret not showing that to potential employers and graduate schools. Auditing does come with some critical caveats. You cannot test out of a class you have already audited, which means that if a course is required for your major, you need to take it for credit. And while cheaper than paying for overcap credits (which cost around $805 per credit), audited courses that exceed the 17-credit block limit still cost $476 per additional credit. In some cases, this may make taking a summer course for credit at community college a better option. The best way to make the most of your tuition dollars is to plan ahead. Whether that means arranging classes to fit the most credits you can afford every semester, or means building a balanced schedule so you can do well without making yourself misera- ble, become familiar with the requirements for your degree and work with your adviser to develop a plan that works for you. Breanna Beers is a junior Molecular and Cellular Biology major and the Campus News editor for Cedars. She loves exercis- ing curiosity, hiking new trails, and quot- ing “The Princess Bride” whether it’s rele- vant or not. Microwave Mug Snacks for When You’re Desperate By Shelby McGuire I magine this: It’s February. The ground is as frozen as your morale and moti- vation. Chuck’s seems like miles away, and you just can’t bring yourself to make the treck out to 7 a.m. breakfast anymore. Or it’s midnight during finals week. You can barely keep your eyes open and your brain working through the last 60 pages of your Chemistry notes. You need to refuel, but your snack stash in your college care pack- age has long been depleted. These are the times that you will need to take action and forage for your own sus- tenance. Whether you need a hearty break- fast or snack, if you have a mug, a micro- wave, and a few easy ingredients, you can make these easy mug meals right in your dorm room. Shelby McGuire is a junior journalism ma- jor and an Arts and Entertainment Co-ed- itor for Cedars. She enjoys working out as well as feeding her caffeine addiction pre- tending that she has her life together. Protein Overnight Oats with Coffee • 1/2 cup oats • 1/2 cup Strong brewed coffee • 1/3 cup greek yogurt • 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract (if you don’t have this laying around, try adding a spoonful of peanut butter instead to add flavor) • Sweetener of choice, to taste (honey, sugar, etc.) Combine all ingredients in a mug or jar and stir well. Let sit in the refrigerator overnight and enjoy the next morning. Can be enjoyed cold or heated in the microwave. Recipe adapted from: foodfaithfitness.com Omelette in a Mug • 2  large eggs • 1 tablespoon milk • 1 tablespoon chopped onion • 2 tablespoons chopped bell pepper • 2 slices deli ham, chopped • 1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese (you can also use a cheese stick!) • Salt and pepper Combine eggs, milk, vegetables, ham, salt and pepper in a mug and microwave for 60 seconds. Then add cheese and cook for another 30 to 60 seconds on high, until the eggs are completely set. thekitchn.com Nutella Mug Cake • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour • 1/4 tsp baking powder • pinch salt • 1 large egg • 1 tbsp granulated sugar • 2 tbsp Nutella Combine ingredients and microwave for 75-90 seconds. Let cool and enjoy! tammileetips.com