Cedars, Fall 2021

Fall 2021 17 en, do not get paid much, if at all. Their identity is in soccer, but Lichty does not see it that way. Lichty said, “It’s provided a really cool opportunity for me to be like, ‘yeah, soccer is awesome, but if this was my everything, I couldn’t be here. If this is what I’m living for, I couldn’t be here’.” Besides playing professional soccer, Lichty does volunteer teaching at a local school. And she is also working to open a home for kids rescued from sex trafficking. Soccer is a great sport. It brings people from all over the world together. It may bring temporary happiness to someone’s life, but it is not the key to joy. For athletes or anyone who wants to go on a mission trip for sports, Trent said, “If you have these opportunities, don’t over-spiritualize it. Don’t sit here and be like, ‘Well, I just don’t know if I’m supposed to go here, or I’m supposed to go here.’ “Just go .” Chris Karenbauer is a junior Journalism major and the Campus News Editor for Cedars. She enjoys reading and writing, hanging out with friends and jamming out to music.