Cedars, Fall 2021

Fall 2021 Thank you so much for picking up our first magazine of the year. The other editors and I have worked so hard on this and hope it finds you well amidst a busy semester. Cedars has been a source of great growth for me in my 3.5 years at Cedarville University. First semester freshman year I walked into a Cedars interest meeting in the old journalism lab right outside the chapel, where I decided to write for the sports section which would end up being the career I pursue. Most of you won’t know what I’m talking about - where that lab once stood is now extra chapel seating. Kind of sad, isn’t it? The place where my love for sports journalism started doesn’t even exist anymore. But just as that room is not where my career is found, my career is not where my identity is found. In fact, that room was replaced by the place that has helped me learn just that. I’m graduating 29 days after this magazine is published, and I have no idea what to do with my life from the world’s perspective, but in an entirely different sense, I know exactly what I want to do. I want the grace upon grace that flows so deeply through me to be evident to everyone around me. I want them to ask and know that Jesus saved me and He changed me. That He came down to earth, lived a perfect life, took the weight of our sins and died on the cross, rose again three days later and ascended into heaven. I want to be in a local church, trudging through life arm in arm with other believers as we fight to be children of light. I want to counsel and disciple as so many at Cedarville have done for me. So thank you Cedarville, for Cedars, for Rinnova cubans, for godly mentors and bosses like Charlotte Burcham, for Printy and Willetts and janky houses off campus, for Lexi and Joe and Niko and so many others who have walked alongside me and made me more like Jesus, for chapel where I felt closer to heaven than ever, for Dr. Kimble’s theology class, for tennis and spikeball and rock climbing and volleyball. Thank you for making me love Jesus more. I know these are the days I’ll remember forever, but I also know the Lord is faithful to continue to draw me near to Him in the days ahead. I pray this magazine encourages your heart and makes you smile. I pray it gets you excited about Cedarville and all the Lord is doing here. Enjoy this place and these people, but know they aren’t your hope or your identity. When your journalism lab gets torn down, replace it with a chapel. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Hey Cedarville! Chris Karenbauer Campus News Editor Abigail Hintz Editor-in-Chief / Sports Editor Ben Hiett Arts & Entertainment Editor Hunter Sweet Digital Editor Hannah Deane Off - Campus News Editor David Kollmar Photo Editor Lydia Paris Head Designer