Cedars, Fall 2022

you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened. and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Later. when White asked his wife why she sent the text, she explained that she had wanted to send it the night before but felt like it wasn't the right time. The following morning, she felt like the Spirit was asking her to text him right then. Fast forward to the preparations of White's inauguration ceremony. As speakers were asked to come and participate in this occasion, again God used this scripture to show White that this was the place he was needed. Dr. David Jeremiah even used this verse as a part of his message during the address given during White's inauguration. "I feel like what's happened at Cedarville is just completely a result of all of the team of incredible men and women trying to be faithful to the Lord, strong and courageous. staying in the Word not departing from it, and the Lord's been faithful to bless," White said. "And He's not obligated to keep it going, but that's what He's done." As Cedarville celebrates 10 years with Dr. White as university president there is much to be thankful for. His goals for the university and heart for the individuals that God brings to Cedarville are special. His ultimate goal is to serve in ways tl1at will lead to God working in students· lives so that they know the Love of God and experience the full blessing that he has for them. l<athryn McDonald is a sen/or psychology major and wrircr ror the Campus /\Jews section of Cedars. You can probably catch her ·,,vriting a letter to a friend in the 1/brary or drinking coffee f,om he.r ravonte mug. 14 CED6RS