Cedars, Fall 2023

full-time position." The creation of the Keyboard Pedagogy program was one of many significant advancements that the Andersons wi nessed during their Ime a Cedarville. Other notable changes have included the addition of worship, composition and multiple B.A. programs When the Andersons were s udents, there were 700 students and five full-time music faculty. Now the facul y number 14, with a host of II o adjunct professors teaching a wide variety of instruments. For both Andersons, the students are what keeps them at Cedarville. Working in a Christian environment and being able to disciple students are always the highlights. "It's humbling to see our students become professional teachers themselves," Dr. Anderson said. "It is so gratifying to know they're going to use what they learned here. The fact that this is a Christ-centered university typically indicates that the students have a strong work ethic and they understand biblical stewardship of their abilities. They know why they are here so that makes our jobs very fu lfillin g." Cedarville's music students use their talents in a wide variety of ways ranging from visiting the homes of elderly people and sharing music with them to singing in praise teams and choirs and accompanying worship in local churches. Many students participate in music-focused Global Outreach programs. "We have been privileged to lead the Concert Chorale and smaller teams on 13 international tours which have been ministry-orienteo," Dr. Anderson said. "All of our music is chosen with a Gospel emphasis and our students frequently remark that these tours have been a turning point for them, not only in their musical lives but as experiences that have alerted them to the many facets of missions ministry." Keyboard Pedagogy students also consider the private lessons they teach as ministry opportunities. "We talk a lot about the impact they have upon private students," said Mrs. Anderson. "Even though we do not offer a music therapy program, I teach some private students that are nursing majors and they're excellent pianists. but they're doing it as a kind of therapeutic outlet and some of our pedagogy majors are teaching their roommates for the same reason " Wherever they are and however they serve. Dr and Mrs. Anderson can witness the d1vinel designed impact music has on both partIcIp nts and audiences "Music Is one of those special tools that allow us to appl God-given emotion to our th olog and it is wonderful to celebr te that be utitul union " s 1d Dr And rson "It's re II sp cI I to se how music f cts p opl . God er t t to po ver ull touch II e tor H1 glor •."