Cedars, Fall 2023

Ben Konuch, Assistant Editor for A&E Ben Konuch 1s a Junior Strategic Communication studem and an A&E wnter for Cedars He en}Oys genmg sucked mto good stones pla ng Video games ana hanging out th crazy MuKappa tnenos Josephine Schmidtray r, Multimedia Editor Maggie Fipps, Editor-in-Chief Maggie Rpps is a junior Journahsm student. She en1oys playing the piano and lhnftmg, and you may spot her around campus sporting Packers gear head to toe Janie Walenda, Arts and Entertainment Jame Wa/enda ,s a Junior Global Business ma1or and the A&E editor for Cedars She Is passionate about musicals, animation and cold brew Angela Delano, Head Designer Julia Swain, Assistant Editor for Campus News Julia Swam is a sophomore JOumalism student She likes listening to Taylor Swift, watching sports and playing sand volleyball m her free time Avon/ea Brown, Campus News Editor Avon/ea Brown is a junior Journalism major and Campus News Editor for Cedars. She en1oys h1kmg. reading and domg chores while listening to music Logan Howard, D1g1tal and Photo Editor Alan Brads, Sports Editor Alan Brads Is a senior Journalism student and sports editor for Cedars. He en1oy~ play,ng the drums. speaking Spanish and watching Buckeye footbal' hke his ,re depends on 11 Esther Fultz, Off-Campus News Editor