Cedars, Fall 2023

Trusting the Process Students share their stories of switching majors and finding their true calling By Marielle Payton Big Plans What if, after choosing a path and studying for a year or so, you discover it's not for you? What next? How do you recalibrate? Choosing a college is a big decision, one that can often feel scary and overwhelming. There's a lot of pressure to choose the right major. After all, your degree often sets you on a career path that you may stay on for the rest of your life. Three different students shared their experiences: Ella Pound, from Newark, Ohio, Adrianna McFadden, from Indianapolis, Indiana, and Grace Gregory, from Chicago, Illinois. All three are at different places in their degree progress and have diverse stories to share. Each changed their major and struggled to feel like they fit in. They don't have life figured out completely; who does? But they've learned a lot along the way. Maybe their stones can be relatable to you, too. Ella's story Ella Pound made the decision to go to a Christian school early in her college search. When a close friend from high school decided to attend Cedarville, Pound realized she had to give the college a closer look. Visiting the campus officially confirmed her choice. "I left with the biggest smile on my face," Pound said. "I knew this was where I was supposed to be." Pound knew she could do so many things with her life but didn't know what she was specifically called to do. A deep love for people led her to choose Business Management for her major. One of her first business classes, creative problem solving, was an absolute blast for her. "I loved using soft skills and thinking outside the box," Pound said. "It was so much fun. I never even imagined I could love a major like this." Then she went home for break, and Pound's confidence began to melt into uncertainty. As she worked on planning out her four-year schedule, she began to have doubts. Was this really what she wanted to be doing? Once back on campus, Pound was hired as a tour guide for admissions and found herself working with people more than she ever had before. That's when she began to consider switching degrees. After praying about it and talking to her parents, Pound 8 CED.llS Ella Pound • Log n Howard sat down with her speech professor, Or. Daniel Fultz. and together they created a plan. She officially switched to Communication. keeping Business Administration as a minor and adding a Women's Ministry minor. "I have so much peace now that this is exactly where the Lord wants me," Pound said. "In the future, I want to do public relations and women's ministry, and communication is the perfect fit." If there's one thing she wants others to know, it's the importance of seeking wise counsel. College students often come into their freshman year with just an idea of what they like, so sometimes it takes the insight of others to figure out what the right choice is. "Being in the right major is more important than being on the quickest path," she added. Adrianna's story Adrianna McFadden decided to do two years of community college before coming to Cedarville in order to Fall 2023