Cedarville Magazine Summer 2024

12 The impact of the Department of Music andWorship is felt across campus every day, contributing to the vibrant community and musical excellence we enjoy in chapel, at major student events, and in rehearsals and performances. Every student, regardless of major, can get involved in the department’s impressive array of world-class ensembles, from choirs and worship bands to madrigal singers and a symphony orchestra. These ensembles regularly hold performances that are open to the community and typically free to attend. But the impact of music on campus extends well beyond the rehearsal halls and stages of the Dixon Ministry Center. The pep band brings spirited support to our sports teams, while student-led worship bands fill our chapels with daily praise. HeartSong worship teams lead music at churches and camps nationwide. The musical talents of our students also contribute to the excellence of Cedarville’s one-of-a-kind Elliv spring semester finale event. You’ll find the influence of music at Cedarville in everything from academics to student life and ministry, and every student can find a way to join in. Resounding Impact