Cedarville Magazine Summer 2024

MEET THE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC AND WORSHIP FULL-TIME FACULTY John Mortensen, DMA Professor of Music Louima Lilite, DMA Professor of Music Chester Jenkins ’97, DMA Assistant Professor of Music Austin Jaquith, DMA Professor of Music Theory and Composition Carlos Elias, MM Professor of Music Bruce Curlette, DMA Professor of Music John Chilcote, MA Assistant Professor of Worship Lyle Anderson ’70, PhD Senior Professor of Music Connie Anderson ’73, MM Assistant Professor of Piano Pedagogy REFLECTING EXCELLENCE AUSTIN JAQUITH — THE COMPOSER We are called to create, and Austin Jaquith's job depends on it! Jaquith, Professor of Music Theory and Composition, teaches courses in music theory, composition, and technology as well as having an active presence as a composer both locally and nationally. He is a versatile composer of works for film, dance, and the concert hall. His musical style tilts toward orchestral and electronic genres, although he has produced works far outside these boundaries. His music has been recognized as outstanding by the Christian Worldview Film Festival, the American Prize, and the American Composers Orchestra Earshot Readings. His film scores are noted for their thoughtfulness, wit, and musical craftsmanship. In addition to his creative skills, Jaquith is also a conductor, an orchestrator, and a recording engineer, enabling him to produce beautiful and authentic scores for independent films without the resources of big-budget projects. He earned his DMA in musical composition from Indiana University. LOUIMA LILITE — THE TENOR Lou Lilite, Professor of Music, is the newest member of the music faculty. A classically trained tenor from Haiti, he brings an international perspective to the Department of Music and Worship along with a passion for incorporating faith and Scripture into every course he teaches. He came to Cedarville following 15 years on the faculty at Oklahoma Baptist University. Lilite earned a Doctor of Musical Arts in voice performance and literature from the Eastman School of Music. He has performed with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Eastman-Rochester Chorus and Orchestra, the Pennsylvania Consort in Handel's Messiah, the Shawnee Community Orchestra, the Biola Conservatory Chorale and Orchestra in Orff's Carmina Burana, the Sainte Trinité Symphony, maestro Gerardo Edelstein in Saint-Saëns' Christmas Oratorio, and the Penn State University Chorus and Orchestra in Schubert's Mass in G. He is the author of two books about faith and music: Weeding Impatience: Growing in Patience and When Music Meets Faith: Reflecting on Musical Terms for a Deeper Faith. At Cedarville, he directs the Opera Ensemble. 10