Cedarville Magazine Summer 2024

02 SOLI DEO GLORIA THOMAS WHITE – Cedarville's philosophy of music and worship is embodied by the phrase, “Soli Deo Gloria: To God Alone Be the Glory." God, our Creator, gave us the gift of music to engage our hearts, souls, and minds. When we perform, compose, rehearse, and learn with excellence, we offer a sacrifice of praise. 04 MYSTERIOUS WAYS BETH CRAM PORTER – As the Chair of the Department of Music and Worship, Beth Cram Porter knows the department better than anyone, and she has seen the Lord’s deep faithfulness during her 27 years at the University. In Beth's own inimitable style, she provides an inside view of the special people, places, and experiences that characterize music and worship programs at Cedarville. 08 MAKING A JOYFUL NOISE Did you know that the Department of Music and Worship had a hymn? Have you met “The Piano Man" or our in-house music historian? How many students are enrolled in a music or worship program? And when did this all get started anyway? This visual profile answers these questions and many more and unveils the profound impact of the department on our campus. 16 ECHOES OF EXCELLENCE Read what five Cedarville music and worship graduates are doing today and how Cedarville has equipped them with excellence to use their talents for God's glory. 20 A HEART OF WORSHIP: AN INTERVIEW WITH JIM CATO Jim Cato ’83, Associate Vice President of Christian Ministries, has shaped worship at Cedarville for the last 40 years. As he enters retirement this summer, he reflects on the history of Cedarville worship, the beginning and growth of HeartSong, and how Christians can pursue worshiping “in spirit and in truth.” 26 EQUIPPING THE CHURCH TO WORSHIP NICHOLAS CARRINGTON ’10 – To prepare for their calling as “lead worshipers,” worship majors at Cedarville cultivate practical skills in music performance and theory through their coursework. At the same time, they gain hands-on experience leading in local church worship and traveling ensembles. Rooted in sound theology and built on musical excellence, Cedarville’s worship program trains worshipers with a love for God and for His people. IN EVERY ISSUE FEATURES Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Psalm 150 30 CHAPEL NOTES 32 ADVANCING CEDARVILLE 36 YELLOW JACKET SPORTS 40 JACKETS FOR LIFE 44 CAMPUS NEWS 48 IN CLOSING Cover photo credit: Courtney Reed Simon Yeh ’15 lives in Nashville, Tennessee, and works as a live/studio musician, producer, composer, jazz band director, and adjunct faculty member. He has performed on 10 national tours and at hundreds of festivals all across the U.S. and internationally. Read more on page 18. 1 IN THIS ISSUE