Cedarville Magazine Summer 2024

SOLI DEO GLORIA Soli Deo Gloria is a Latin phrase meaning “Glory to God alone.” Rooted in the Reformation, it flows from a dependence upon Scripture alone as our foundation for comprehending our salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for God’s glory alone. Johann Sebastian Bach notably appended the initials SDG to his manuscripts, dedicating his composition to God’s glory alone. For Cedarville University, grasping Soli Deo Gloria clarifies the rationale behind our endeavors. Our students exhibit remarkable talent, whether performing in the orchestra or leading worship on the chapel stage. However, we seek not the praise of people. We do not pursue personal glory. Rather, we rightly recognize that talents are divinely bestowed and that we are temporary stewards of the time and talents entrusted to us. Diligently honing and utilizing these talents is our reasonable act of spiritual worship (Rom. 12:2) before a worthy God. Furthermore, at Cedarville, we recognize that sound theology naturally evokes heartfelt doxology. True worship is 2