WATCH CHAPEL VIA LIVESTREAM AT 10 A.M. EACH WEEKDAY GENESIS 1–11: THE FOUNDATION FOR EVERYTHING The following is an excerpt from a September 9, 2024, chapel presentation by Ken Ham. Listen to his full message at Genesis 1 through 11 is the foundation for everything. It's the foundation for a true Christian worldview. Many people don't understand what it means to have a true Christian worldview. It's starting fromGod's Word to enable us to understand everything correctly. I want to challenge us that we all need to be starting from the foundation of God's Word to be able to defend the Christian faith against the attacks of our time. There's a spiritual war on. It's been going on for 6000 years, ever since the garden, but it's manifesting itself in ways we haven't seen before in this culture. A lot of Christians have the wrong idea about it because they don't understand that a truly Christian worldview starts from building your thinking on the Bible. Ultimately, there's only two foundations for your thinking, God's Word and man's word. When you start from man's word, it's all relative, subjective, and dependent on what you want to believe. These are all symptoms of the wrong foundation. God's Word and the Gospel have always been the solution. So what we need to be doing is arguing foundationally fromGod’s Word as well as dealing with cultural issues. Just start fromGod's Word alone. He's the infinite God. He knows everything. He never tells a lie. You have to judge your feelings, your behavior, and everything you believe against the absolute authority of God's Word, because whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool. Ultimately, every single biblical doctrine of theology, directly or indirectly, is founded in Genesis 1 through 11. Why did Jesus die on a cross? Where does sin come from? Death? Why are we wearing clothes? Where does our sevenday week come from? How about a doctrine of work? All of these come fromGenesis 1 to 11. It's a foundation for everything. Sadly, a lot of our churches and Christian colleges aren't teaching that. Only a handful take the same stand. Cedarville University does, and I praise the Lord for that. You don't start by looking at the world today and trying to fit it to the Bible. You start with the Bible. That’s a true biblical worldview. Can you imagine what would happen if we raised up generations who had the right foundation, who were equipped to be able to defend the Christian faith and knewwhy they believed what they do? Answers in Genesis’ ministry is all about helping raise up people to have the right foundation, beginning in Genesis 1 to 11. We equip them to have a true Christian worldview, to knowwhat they believe and why, equipped with answers to defend the Christian faith and able to do battle foundationally. Our heart in doing all this is to direct people to the truth of God's Word and the saving Gospel. Ken Ham is the Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis. 25