Cedarville Magazine Fall 2014 - page 36

When you are a part of a team accomplishing
a common mission you believe in, you go all in.
This involves time, energy, and money. Giving is a
statement that you’re all in with the mission
of the University.
Jon Wood
Vice President for Student Life and
Christian Ministries
Our science and engineering programs consistently produce graduates who
pursue career excellence with a Gospel purpose. To continue our leading-
edge tradition, Cedarville embarked on a $5 million campaign for expanded
classroom space, updated lab facilities, and state-of-the-art technology.
Thank you for partnering with us to offer God-honoring instruction for future
scientists and engineers.
As of October 31, 2014, we
have raised
$2.87 million
gifts and pledges toward the
$5 million goal.
The new Gross
Anatomy Lab was
part of phase one of
the Science and Engineering
Expansion Campaign.
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