Cedarville Magazine Fall 2018

KING’S KIDS Every Sunday, Cedarville students visit Christ the King Anglican Church in Dayton to interact with the large African refugee population in an urban neighborhood. Students who are part of Cedarville’s King’s Kids ministry visit the homes of children (between ages 4–19) and bring the kids to the church for games, fellowship, and discipleship. The children are divided into groups by age for weekly sessions, which are led by student volunteers. The youngest age groups play games and learn Bible verses, older boys play soccer and take part in open-ended Bible discussions, and older girls are currently studying how the teachings of Jesus and the message of the Gospel are illustrated in the Old Testament. Susanna Edwards ’19 joined King’s Kids her sophomore year, after learning about the ministry through a friend. “Prior to joining, I felt no particular call to serve Muslims or a connection to African culture,” she shared. “My first visit to King’s Kids taught me a very important lesson: It’s not about me.” “That is the beauty of this ministry. It is not in any way about us,” she continued. “It is about the kids. Kids who were made in the image of the King of the universe.” Edwards shared that she is deeply grateful for this ministry. “The witnessing opportunities I have had through this ministry have been abundant and incredible,” she said. “Teaching directly from the Bible, with Arabic and English translations side by side, I get to tell my young friends in Dayton about Jesus every week. They always have questions, and our team is always ready to answer them.” More than 20 Cedarville students regularly participate in King’s Kids. The students who attend have a common heart for refugees, Muslims, and inner-city children. Since they are a group of like-minded individuals, they form deep relationships with each other and grow as a team. “This ministry is about relationships,” Edwards stated. “Relationships with the kids and with fellow team members. And here’s the best part: No matter who you are, you fit in. You need nothing more than a willingness to devote all the energy you’ve got to showing our King’s Kids that you care because Jesus does.” Clem Boyd is Managing Editor of Cedarville Magazine . Andrew J. Graff is an Assistant Professor of English at Cedarville University. LOCAL 14 | Cedarville Magazine