Cedarville Magazine Fall 2018

videos will be placed on YouTube for people in Bolivia and around the world to help them build hand- operated pumps. The team has also participated in church services, provided Bibles, and encouraged members of three churches. We have greatly enjoyed learning about Bolivian culture and meeting with members of the communities, pastors, and fellow believers in Christ. It is amazing to see how God has used the engineering talents of Serving in Mission (SIM) missionaries and others to provide water to numerous rural families but also how God has used the missionaries to provide spiritual water to the people. The churches in the Vacas area are thriving. God is clearly working in the hearts of the people, and they have a strong hunger for God’s Word. AUGUST 3 – GERMANY Teen camp was a big success, and many young people were impacted by God’s grace. The camp took place in the evenings with dinner, a game or activity, and a worship session, including a short message on the book of Daniel. Around 35 to 40 teenagers attended every night. Thursday and Friday, we had the opportunity to really build relationships and start conversations with the kids. Many had never heard the Gospel, and we were able to explain to them the Good News clearly and directly. God also provided the opportunity to continue serving in other ministries, including playing with kids at refugee camps, helping paint a Christian library, and witnessing to university students in the city. God was at work in every aspect of our ministry, and we know He isn’t done in Berlin yet. AUGUST 3 – COSTA RICA We kicked off our first full day in San Jose, Costa Rica, with a soccer training session on the field of a Nazarene university. It didn’t stop raining for the duration of training, and our goalkeepers were treated to a pretty intense mud bath. The afternoon was filled with the joy of smiles, soccer, and piggyback rides. Our team visited an elementary school in San Jose and joined the children for recess. The children adored the game time, but we pray that our biggest impact could be in the Good News that was shared through two team testimonies and the “Wordless Book” message from Coach Jonathan Meade. On Sunday, we played University of Costa Rica (UCR), ranked in the top three in the country, at their game facility. We shared a meal with their team at a missionary’s house. During that time, our goalkeeper Lauren shared her testimony through a translator. Praise the Lord that Hannah and Taylor individually prayed with a girl from the UCR team afterward, and she accepted Christ! Many of the other girls were asking good questions. Their coach shared his testimony as well, which was a huge development because his team did not know he was a believer. We are fervently praying that the Good News we shared would grow. Thank you for your prayers and being part of our team from afar! Cedarville’s Women’s Soccer Team handed out Bibles and presented the Gospel to their opponents from the University of Costa Rica during their summer trip. At least eight players on that team made decisions to accept Christ as a result of the Lady Jackets’ ministry. Cedarville Magazine | 9