Cedarville Magazine Spring 2019

Something remarkable is happening at Cedarville University. In an environment of significant spiritual and cultural headwinds, declining population of college-age students, and higher standards of accountability for the value of higher education, Cedarville University has witnessed substantial enrollment growth and strengthening of its financial position. We see this as evidence of God’s generous grace and provision through His people. The Lord has blessed this place with 12 years of record enrollments. This year, for the first time in the University’s 132-year history, total enrollment surpassed 4,000, with 4,193 students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and College Now programs. This year’s freshman class was the largest in our history. More than 900 first-year students began their 1,000 days of strategic and intentional equipping for godly service and vocational distinction in the fall. God ’ s hand ha s b e en upon Cedarville, allowing not only growth in size, but in Gospel impact, in programs offered, and in new residence halls and learning spaces. There is a transformational change happening in the cornfields of Ohio. One of the places where this change is most evident is chapel. In 2016, Cedarville embarked on a considerable upgrade of the Jeremiah Chapel. The $3 million campaign would mark the first major overhaul of this iconic facility, which has hosted daily chapel since its opening on October 7, 1996. The ensuing renovation, which took place in the summer of 2016, replaced 298 pews with 3,400 individual seats, THRIVING CAMPUS, EXPANDING CHAPEL MORE SEATING NEEDED FOR GROWING STUDENT BODY