Cedarville Magazine Fall 2019

so kind to me in revealing these truths, and I was excited to explore it further, this time having a one-on-one companion,” Lane explained. During spring semester, the two walked through 14 of the 52 question and answers in the catechism, meeting for lunch and using the New City Catechism app to read through the prayer, the commentary, and the Scripture associated with each question. “The semester I spent exploring with Bob the depths of God’s goodness was grace upon grace, and I praise God for it,” Lane explained. And Sirko agrees. “I am grateful that Nate would teach me more about Christ,” he said. “I have learned how important it is to have consistent time in the Bible and to know what you believe.” The two plan to continue the study this semester, and Sirko hopes to introduce his friends to the study. PURE MOTIVATION Only God can take our past struggles and use them for His glory. That is exactly what He’s done for Tara Winter ’17 , Disability Services Manager, through the ministry she has to young women on campus. “I am in awe every day at how God has redeemed my story,” she said. Winter is in her 12th year as advisor for Sanctify Ministries, a women’s purity organization on campus made up of 20 young women who are passionate about bringing God glory through the way they live their lives. “We want to reframe what purity means,” Winter explained. “It’s not just physical, but spiritual, mental, emotional. It’s how we live our lives to be holy.” Winter’s goal for the ministry is to disciple each of its members to equip them to go on to disciple others. The group participates in a weekly study, this year walking through The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung, examining what it means to walk closely with Jesus. Abby Kebbel ’ 20 has been a part of Sanctify Ministries for three years and has grown immensely under Winter’s leadership. “Tara has transformed my view of purity in light of the Gospel,” Kebbel commented. “I have grown as a woman of God after listening to her deep wisdom for navigating this life. She is one of the most authentic and life-giving women I have ever met.” Winter also regularly disciples girls one-on- one, many of them struggling with issues of purity. “We talk about hard, authentic questions in a safe environment,” she shared. “I tell them they can’t tell me anything that will shock me.” She just loves them and points them to Christ, who can redeem all their struggles. PATRICK DUDENHOFER ’04 DONNA FIFER NATHAN LANE ’08 TARA WINTER ’17 Michele (Cummings) Solomon ’91 is the Copy Editor for Cedarville University Marketing and Communications. Cedarville Magazine | 17