Cedarville Magazine Spring 2020

Tucked into the last few pages of the 1959–60 Cedarville College course catalog are the first business course offerings at Cedarville. Listed under “Business Administration” are five accounting and business administration classes taught by Ken St. Clair, founding chair of the department, and five secretarial science courses offered by Ardeth Webber. By fall 1961, the Department of Business Administration had grown to include a third faculty member, Rod Wyse, and had created its own booklet, pictured to the right. From these humble beginnings, the School of Business Administration has grown into one of the largest schools at Cedarville University, with 471 undergraduate and 86 graduate students, far beyond the total student population of 255 at Cedarville when those first business classes were offered. BUSINESS BEGINS Cedarville Magazine | 43