Cedarville Magazine Spring 2020

leaders withhold fair pay (Deut. 24:14; James 5:4), create hostile environments for workers (Eph. 6:9), increase profits to the detriment of employees, use inferior materials, cut corners, or implement deceptive practices to increase the bottom line (Lev. 25:14), then we see the worst of capitalism. But the worst parts of business are simply mirrors for the worst parts of our own hearts. As Christians we must resist this temptation and operate at a higher level. As Paul writes in Romans, we must put to death our own deeds of the flesh through the power of the Spirit (Rom. 8:13). We must also fight against larger corruption, or as Paul calls it, “the rulers over this present darkness” (Eph. 6:12), which includes those seeking to exploit or abuse others, such as sex traffickers. Ceda r v i l l e Un i ve r s i t y t eache s business, capitalism, and free market enterprise with a biblical foundation, training the next generation to use business for a better purpose. As every undergraduate student graduates with a Bible minor, we embrace our higher calling and the opportunity to influence culture through business with biblical principles. Cedarville University teaches business, capitalism, and free market enterprise with a biblical foundation, training the next generation to use business for a better purpose. Cedarville Magazine | 7