Cedarville Magazine Spring 2020

During the 2018–19 academic year, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) switched to a new learning management system (LMS) to accommodate increasing online course options for undergraduate and graduate programs. This new Canvas LMS became crucial as Cedarville scrambled to finish the spring semester, providing increased capacity to make the sudden shift to all virtual classes. In addition, 22 faculty members were trained as Canvas Fellows so that every school and department on campus would have an on-hand expert for training and walking colleagues through software updates. “Ultimately, God receives the glory for leading the faculty to a model to support Cedarville,” said Rob McDole, CTL Director. “Thank the Lord for His kindness and provision to us!” EXCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCE While the whole campus community has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure the good health of every student, staff, and faculty member, the return- to-campus plan also had to include provisions if someone did come down with COVID-19. Deb McDonald ’03, Director of University Medical Services, was part of the team making plans for treatment and isolation of sick students and quarantining of close contacts in their residence hall rooms. She had concerns as she considered the fall, since healthcare professionals were still learning about COVID-19 and treatment was still evolving. “Cedarville has always taken leadership in safety,” she said. “During this pandemic, we just need to keep pressing forward and work our plan. We have a solid plan, backed by guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and the Ohio Department of Health. We will get through this if we work our plan and keep our students encouraged.” Tha t p l an ha s be en covered with the kindness and care of the Lord expressed through his people. A s t h e s e m e s t e r progressed, this became evident in the massive voluntary effort, in coordination with the staff of Pioneer College Caterers, to pick up and deliver breakfast, lunch, and dinner to quarantined and isolated students through the Caring Well Meals service. That same spirit of compassion was also evidenced in the effort to send encouraging notes and prayers to students through the iCare initiative, which will continue throughout the pandemic. To participate, visit cedarville.edu/icare and fill out the online form. For John Davis ’02, Associate Vice President of Human Resources and Chair of the CARE team, the health and well-being of employees and students has been everyone’s number one concern. Because of that, the focus has been on maintaining the University’s mission, even if certain traditions have had to be altered, such as chapel. “I am confident that in 10, 20, and 50 years from now, the students who have lived through this season will have a Cedarville experience like nobody else has,” he said. “Their Cedarville experience will be different from others’ experiences, but it will still be amazing as we see what God does in this season. “This season is going to be a life marker that they all collectively walked through, and they’ll be able to say, ’That was my Cedarville experience, and it was great.’” Clem Boyd is Managing Editor of Cedarville Magazine . We wanted to have a safety mindset in order to build trust and to gain confidence. Brian Burns ’95 LEARN THE LATEST AT THE CARING WELL. STAYING WELL. WEBSITE For the latest information on Cedarville's response to COVID-19 — including the ways the University is working to ensure a safe and healthy learning and working environment on campus — please visit the Caring Well. Staying Well. website at cedarville.edu/caringwell . At the site, you will find the Caring Well. Staying Well. Operating Plan , healthcare protocols, and information about the University's efforts in regard to all aspects of campus life, from eating meals to academics and residence life. In addition, you'll find virtual town halls and informational videos featuring Cedarville experts that provide thoughtful and helpful analysis on the pandemic. Cedarville Magazine | 11