The Cedarville Review 2022

3 “The repetition in Nature may not be a mere recurrence, it may be a theatrical encore.” - GK Chesterton the tingle of thick tea the tangle of lattice light and the tintinnabulation of wrens and thrushes rushing in like a groom and bride and the gloom of night the garter gloaming the veil moonlight souldeep, bellowing, quiet blue, blue, blooming. the chrysanthemum of exultation and careful illumination and the cordial rumination, lifeladen sunset dawning on a wideyawning pissarro landscape. and my thrushes and wrens rehearse waterfalls, fading to drops, resuming in rivulets and the chrysanthemum rises, and restores his composure, and binds budlike the closing bloodred bloom, aperture, and exposure. even the sky into his brightness he gathers blooming, in the blue, blue gloaming; he slips back the garter on her birchwhite leg illumined in the latticed moonlight, and her sighs drop and rivulet and my thrushes silence for the kettle whistle MORNING WEDDING Josiah Alberghene