The Cedarville Review 2024

THE CEDARVILLE REVIEW 11 would she have done when Claudio denounced her as a wanton? (My reaction was very boring. By the time I fi gured out what was happening, the teacher and other guys in the class had berated him thoroughly.) Eden and I are in college, for crying out loud, she in math and I in English. What would Zoe be up to now? ~ What did God make her to do? Each of my other siblings has had things they love to do, things they fi nd God in: running, writing, catching insects, learning languages, riding horses, piano and harp, dancing, reading, swimming, even arguing. What did God make her for? ~ Until I was about sixteen, there was always somebody under fi ve in my house. Again and again, I watched my mother’s body stretch to accommodate the new life. Then one day she would come home from the hospital with another tiny person in the car seat. I remember the newborn cries when they brought home Lily, the seventh, and the rest of us crowded around to see her. I remember the six of us laughing, laughing because it was so adorable and small and not loud enough to be a nuisance yet. I remember the years when most of our chores involved keeping track of the little ones. And somewhere inside me, I think I can still remember Lily fi rst crying. Her eyes are squeezed shut; her mouth wide open, round and dark; her little hands are fi sts pounding at the air. As though she could shut out the whole world, drown it out with her new lungs.