The Cedarville Review 2024

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Fiction with “Rocks by the Sea” by Luke W. Smith..................... 41 Dear Jeffey by Adelyn Olson ........................................... 42 Camp Nasworthy by Elise Hunnemeyer ............................... 53 Photography of Place with “Bridge at the New River Gorge” by Luke W. Smith ...................................................................... 61 Parisian Mobility by Brosnan S. Butt ................................... 62 Roman Alleys by Brosnan S. Butt ....................................... 62 Fuji and Sunrise by Brosnan S. Butt .................................... 63 The Opera House by Brosnan S. Butt ................................. 63 Poetry with “Sunset Petals” by Brosnan S. Butt ........................ 65 the gods below by Hannah Shierman ................................. 66 parasite by Justin Kemp................................................. 68 Soundwaves by Brook T. Fetter ........................................ 69 Command (My Magnifi cat) by Grace Thornsbury ................... 71 Scales by Katie G. Handel ............................................... 72 Halls by Jake T. DeVol ................................................... 73 Release by Sierra Ausfahl ............................................... 74 Descartes Heart by Meghan Wells..................................... 75 Devotion: Psalm 16 by Anastasia Cook ............................... 77