The Cedarville Review 2024

white arch - Angela Lee III
Table of Contents 1
Foreword 3
beyond the arch 3
Creative Nonfiction 5
up - Angela Lee 5
Meditation: From Psalm 139 - Anastasia Cook 6
On Worship - Gabrielle Utrie 14
Night Scents - Benjamin G. Konuch 17
Wh en/ere I Saw - Emily L. Vest 19
On Liminality - Haley C. Kollstedt 22
Ceramics 37
dark ends - Angela Lee 37
Truths and Lies Mugs - Kaitlyn D. Davis 38
The Drip Effect - Gabriela M. Bush 39
In His Hands - Nina Friess 40
Fiction 41
Rocks by the Sea - Luke W. Smith 41
Dear Jeffey - Adelyn Olson 42
Camp Nasworthy - Elise Hunnemeyer 53
Photography of Place 61
Bridge at the New River Gorge - Luke W. Smith 61
Parisian Mobility - Brosnan S. Butt 62
Roman Alleys - Brosnan S. Butt 62
The Opera House - Brosnan S. Butt 63
Fuji and Sunrise - Brosnan S. Butt 64
Poetry 65
Sunset Petals - Brosnan S. Butt 65
the gods below - Hannah Shierman 66
parasite - Justin Kemp 68
Soundwaves - Brook T. Fetter 69
Command (My Magnificat) - Grace Thornsbury 71
Scales - Katie G. Handel 72
Halls - Jacob T. DeVol 73
Release - Sierra Ausfahl 74
Descartes Heart - Meghan Wells 75
Devotion: Psalm 16 - Anastasia Cook 77
Acknowledgements 80