Maestros of Ministry: Their Legacy in the Department of Music and Worship

MICHAEL DICUIRCI, SR. |  25 The attitude that DiCuirci cultivated in the Symphonic Band spread to the whole Department. There is a healthy sense of support and cooperation among all the students and the faculty. One of DiCuirci’s finest contri- butions that reflects the Body of Christ was cultivating a sense of mutual care and trust. The Department has benefited greatly from this stance. Beyond DiCuirci’s contribution to the professional development of students, his fervent heart for the gospel is a model that speaks volumes to students, and has influ- enced many generations that have passed through the Bands and the Department. In his 1979 Chapel message with his wife, he encouraged all the students to impact and expand their sphere of influence. “Don’t underes- timate the power of a testimony, a life message. Share your life with others. Tell them what God has done in your life.” He encouraged students to use their words and their walk to spread the good news. Learn how to preach the gospel, yet be sensitive to others. Be separated from the world, but don’t be isolated. Finally, be commit- ted, not casual Christians. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one (Col. 4:6). Professor DiCuirci influenced Cedarville for thir- ty-seven years, living by every word that proceeded from the mouth of God and by walking the walk of faith, of Christ in him, the hope of glory. One of DiCuirci’s finest contributions that reflects the Body of Christ was cultivating a sense of mutual care and trust.