Maestros of Ministry: Their Legacy in the Department of Music and Worship

PREFACE |  i x Chuck Clevenger’s beautifully rendered watercolor paintings of the six maestros are introductory metaphors of the written portraits that follow. Greg Martin and Tricia Clark at Cedrus Press provided helpful guidance throughout the entire three-year process. Micah McKanna made every- thing look attractive and professional with his creative skill and artistic eye. My sincere gratitude goes to my Chair, Beth Porter, for her constant encouragement and for supplying an insightful Foreword to the book. Austin Doub, my research assistant, has worked diligently on the project for three semesters. Dave Matson, my mentor, predecessor, and friend, has provided a wonderful sketch and first-hand account of the growth and development of the Department. An immense thanks to all of you, and ultimately to our King Jesus! Because out from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen (Rom. 11:36). Sandra Yang, Associate Professor of Music History