The Faithful Reader: Essays on Biblical Themes in Literature

32 THE FAITHFUL READER but rather think of yourself with sober judgment.” A humble assessment of ourselves can keep us from pursuing the dangerous, ridiculous follies that O’Connor’s characters display as they chase a turkey, covet the spotlight, or steal a gorilla suit, poisoning their relationships in the process. Ironically, the yearning for praise that led young Ruller to hunt down his turkey also causes him to lose it. On his way home, the boy stops to show his catch off to a group of lads who respond by seizing the prize for themselves. O’Connor concludes her story with Ruller running back to his family, “certain that Something Awful was tearing behind him with its arms rigid and its fingers ready to clutch.” Just like Simon the sorcerer, and any of us who surrender our choices to egotistical visions of attention and celebrity, Ruller discovered that self-centered ambition leaves its victims with empty hands and hollow hearts.