The Faithful Reader: Essays on Biblical Themes in Literature

56 THE FAITHFUL READER Protecting Society Firefighters were not the only vanguard to protect society. Entertainment catering to the whims of the populous was readily available. Fast cars and interactive video provided the thrills and social interaction necessary for a person to feel fulfilled. Conversations with real people revolved around the present and what would be served up on the next video episode. Montag had three walls of his parlor covered with video panels and his wife was pressing him to purchase a fourth so she could have a fully immersive experience with her family. “Her family” was the derisive term Montag gave to the actors his wife interacted with on the videos. When not interacting with “the family,” his wife plugged in her seashells, what we would call earbuds. Such a lifestyle left many empty and despairing of life, so a medical squad was on call to manage attempted suicides. It was not that anyone actively attempted suicide, but thoughtlessly going through life caused it to happen accidently and often. A life full of stimulus made it hard to fall asleep. Drifting in and out of sleep under the background sounds of the seashells, it was common to use sleeping pills to aid in the effort. When waking again before morning, one may ask, “was there a need for another sleeping pill” or “did I even take a sleeping pill in the first place?” After an accidental overdose, the squad is called, the stomach is pumped, a transfusion to cleanse the blood is administered, and the patient awakens the next morning, none the wiser to the events of the previous night. One such episode happened to Montag’s wife. The Unsettled Soul His wife’s overdose scare merely punctuated Montag’s discontentment with life. Her preoccupation with trivial matters and disengagement from reality reminded him of the emptiness in his own life. Adding to this was the allure of the forbidden. What could be so dangerous about books? Having secretly taken books from fire scenes over the years, Montag hid them in his home, though not having the courage to read them or even open them.