The Faithful Reader: Essays on Biblical Themes in Literature

84 THE FAITHFUL READER that can be observed not only in fiction, but in the real world of politics. The Bible contains examples of corrupt leaders, and it thankfully provides principles for leaders who seek to glorify God. Corrupt Leaders Are Easy to Recognize When we think of corruption, our minds naturally turn toward money. We may think of a judge or a jury member being bribed, or a politician taking a stack of cash in exchange for a vote. Corruption in All the King’s Men isn’t about money, but about the true currency of politics—power. Power, like money, is not evil or wicked by itself. Power can be used properly to pursue good and noble things. Justice requires the ability to punish a criminal, and punishment, through arrest, trial, conviction, a fine, or imprisonment, only happens through government’s power. When used with authority, power is a necessary element of good government. The abuse of power is at the heart of political corruption. Crooked politicians, more than anything, use their power to their own benefit, and not for the good of citizens or society. Leaders like this lash out at obstacles. They see themselves as above rules, procedures, laws, or constitutions. They are natural opponents of limited government, and institutions that curb their power must change or be burned to the ground. Some obstacles are flesh and blood. Treacherous rulers see people as tools to be used or discarded as necessary. Human beings, for them, have no inherent value or dignity. Instead, people are a means to an end, either a benefit or a detriment based on what they can provide. One story in All the King’s Men highlights Willie Stark’s corruption. Byram B. White, one of “Willie’s boys,” is the State Auditor, and he is mired in an investigation. White is using his office to enrich himself illegally, and Stark is faced with a choice. He can do nothing and let justice run its course. If this happens, the nefarious White will likely lose his job and go to jail, and Stark would get a political black eye. Or Stark can protect the guilty man, guarantee his loyalty in the future, and use all his power (legal and otherwise) to stop the investigation and skirt the law. For Willie, this is an easy decision.