The Faithful Reader: Essays on Biblical Themes in Literature

The key aspect for distinguishing Christian scholarship from any other types of scholarship is the essential element of biblical integration. Biblical integration introduces a new set of questions into the field of study enhancing the contribution to general knowledge. For any field or discipline, one’s view of biblical integration affects the tools of study deemed appropriate, the scope of study, and the ultimate goal of the study or activity in the field. Christian scholars in various academic fields often struggle to articulate how biblical integration affects their research or teaching because of a perceived lack of overlap between the Bible and the content of their field. Greater clarity on what biblical integration is can help distinguish its value and will increase intentionality in biblical integration regardless of the academic discipline. The relationship of knowledge drawn from the Bible and that discovered in other sources is a key question for biblical integration. Cedarville University takes this question very seriously and expects all of its faculty in all of the disciplines to be able to provide a reasoned answer. All faculty write a biblical integration paper which explores the nexus of Scripture, a theology derived from scriptural authority, and his or her discipline as part of the tenure and promotion process. Knowledge and Truth The Apostle Paul exhorts, “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to Foreword: Biblical Integration at Cedarville University Jason K. Lee