Channels, Fall 2021

Channels • 2021 • Volume 6 • Number 1 Page 7 Using this sort of diagnostic can help reduce testing when a tumor can either be confirmed or ruled out. Potential Limitations As mentioned previously, there are a few limitations to the therapies that are currently being researched. First, it would be difficult to create a miRNA targeting treatment that the human body will accept; otherwise, the immune system would attack the treatment. Second, targeting one or two miRNAs would have minimal effect on cancerous tumors, and upregulating or downregulating a large number of miRNAs has proven to be challenging. Furthermore, when using them for detection, finding biomarkers in any patient is extremely difficult. Because multiple different markers exist, researchers would also need to compile a large library of marker types and compare those markers across healthy and cancerous tissue. Until these things are done, this detection method cannot be considered viable. Further Research Needed To use miRNAs as a potential treatment for glioblastoma, much additional research is needed. Aside from arranging clinical trials and developing a treatment that is safe and effective for clinical use, it is important to know exactly which miRNAs are impacted by glioblastoma and what their regulation patterns are. Researchers would also need to gain a better understanding for what microRNAs cause glioblastoma and which microRNAs are affected as a result of glioblastoma. Additional research on these topics is crucial to creating the most effective treatment. Many more tests of potential biomarkers also need to be done for the effective use of biomarkers. As mentioned, a large library of biomarkers must be built up. Then, researchers need to find consistency in each type for them to be used as biomarkers for possibly presenting a cancerous tumor. Once consistency is established, scientists must determine how to administer the tests in the least invasive, most reliable, and most efficient way possible. Then, the full potential of the biomarkers can be used to help detect the cancer while it is still treatable. Developing a broad understanding of microRNAs and the role they play in autoimmune disorders and cancer, specifically neural cancers, can lead to advancements in the field of molecular biology research. MicroRNAs were recently discovered, and there is still much to learn about their expression, purpose, and limitations as it relates to various diseases. As more experimental data emerges, the hypotheses that scientists now have regarding microRNAs may be accepted or changed, shaping future research, treatments, and diagnostic procedures.