Channels, Spring 2021

Channels • 2021 • Volume 5 • Number 2 Page 9 of endurance athletes with non-endurance athletes, and no significant differences between athletes could be determined based on the independent t-test conducted. Conclusion The data from this study shows that individuals who have had previous education in nutrition score better on the 49-SNKI, a validated measure of sport-specific nutrition knowledge. This result mirrors other previous findings in the body of nutrition research. Because of the trend of significant difference in scores based on nutrition class participation, the research team recommends nutrition education should be commonplace for athletes participating at the collegiate level. A solid knowledge base and professional guidance will potentially increase performance and recovery in athletes. It could also promote healthier eating habits and lifestyles that will have a lasting impact on athletes. What did we find that was not significant, and what other sources agree with that? Source 4: Further, our research team found that there were very few individuals that scored over 75%. There was no difference between individuals who took a class and those that didn't. Source 8: The use of a Mobile nutrition cart because it was determined that athletes did not have access to proper nutrition. Source 9: The majority of athletes have a healthy attitude toward nutrition, even if their specific nutrition knowledge is low. Source 10: Meta Analysis stating that there is a lot of nutrition misinformation and a need for better education. Source 17: Suggests furthering of nutrition education in ATs after graduation-- McGehee. Source 20: There is a high desire to be healthy but a low rate of knowledge. Source 23: Specific categories and nutrition knowledge. Source 27: Student athletes believe nutrition is important, but they often have no access to proper nutrition sources or nutritional education—additional education is necessary. Source 28: Student athletes do not often get the best nutrition information from their primary source—recommends a joint nutrition class with athletes and dietitian. Source 29: Information regarding creation of a sports-specific nutrition course. Source 30: Females scored higher than males.