2024 Commencement Program

Graduation With Honors Students graduating with academic honors are wearing a gold cord. A student who earns a grade point average of 3.50 or better is graduated “with honor”; one who earns a grade point average of 3.75 or better is graduated “with high honor”; and one who earns a grade point average of 3.90 or better is graduated “with highest honor.” A student must be in residence at least two full years (60 semester hours) in order to qualify for honors. Honors Key † with honor †† with high honor ††† with highest honor Faculty Scholarship Trophy ❖ Awarded to the student with the highest grade point average in the graduating class Benjamin Isaac Place ††† ❖ David John Pride Spencer Aaron Reynolds ††† Isaac Paul Seabra † Autumn Michelle Sellars Abigail Ami Skurdal † Hannah Lynn Smith † Landon Paul Smith Jacob Wayne Southwell †† Sarah Savannah Stone Elizabeth Grace Sultan †† Hunter Nathaniel Tenpas † Jessica Rose Terrell ††† ❖ Benjamin James Treece † Mina Claire Truesdale ††† Benjamin David Vincent ††† ❖ May Benton Wadman Noah Thomas Walker ††† Emma Kiley Wall Ethan Caleb Wang ††† Jaden Gray Woodward † School of Allied Health and Psychology Michael Weller, EdD, Dean School of Allied Health Bachelor of Science Martha Irene Bergley †† Department of Psychology Luke M. Tse, PhD, Chair Bachelor of Arts Hannah Mae McNett †† School of Education and Social Work Kevin M. Jones, EdD, Dean Department of Social Work Michael E. Sherr, PhD, Chair Bachelor of Science Lindsey Shannon Lankford †