2024 Commencement Program

Presentation of Candidates Thomas Mach, PhD **Conferral of Degrees Thomas White, PhD Presentation of Awards Thomas White, PhD *Alma Mater The Spirit of This Place Chambers/Bethel Lyle Anderson, PhD Senior Professor of Music Director Let the spirit of this hallowed place Be kindled from above, And the joy of serving Christ our Lord Increase in Christian love. O, Cedarville, your call fulfill And to our God be true! Then we who truly seek His will And come to you May learn to shine for Him in all we do. *Benediction Paul H. Dixon, DD, LLD., EdD Chancellor Recessional Fanfare and Flourishes James Curnow (b. 1943) Wind Symphony Postlude Please remain in place until the academic procession has left the building. *Congregation standing **Please hold your displays of support until all degrees have been conferred. Class Officers Seth Herring President Jewell Strock Vice President Eden Burson Women's Ministry Leader Marshals For the Faculty Joshua M. McClain Logan J. Miller For the Students Josiah T. Entner Abigail Y. Shepherd Mace Bearer 10 a.m. Teresa Clark, MS Assoc. Prof. of Kinesiology, Associate to the Dean, and Faculty Athletic Representative 2 p.m. Charles Hartman, JD Assoc. Prof. of Business Law and Accounting, Asst. to the University Counsel Readers 10 a.m. Andrew Harris, PhD Associate Professor of Communication Jim Leightenheimer, MA Associate Professor of Communication 2 p.m. Andrew Harris, PhD Associate Professor of Communication Stacey Stratton, MFA Assistant Professor of Theatre Convocation