A Conductor’s and Performer’s Guide to Steven Bryant’s Concerto for Alto Saxophone - Chester Jenkins

26 in the harmony. Measure 123 contains the next chord from the progression, A major, also obscured within the harmony. Figure 12. Concerto for Alto Saxophone 1 st movement, measures 116-123. Concert F provided by first trumpet entrance in measure 120 hides a Bb minor chord within the chord built on Creston motive, chord in measure 123 contains an A major chord, the second chord of the Solace chord progression. The progression continues more clearly from measures 127-134, where the next three chords of the progression occur, supporting the soloist’s ascent to the highest pitch in the movement, an altissimo C. The progression ends in measure 135 where a C major triad appears with both a major and minor 7 th stacked on top of it. As the Solace progression ends, in measure 136, the clarinets and alto saxophones play a chord built from the Creston motive B-A-F#-G-A#, while simultaneously the trumpets and trombones are playing a melodic line built on the Creston motive beginning on A-G-E-F.