A Conductor’s and Performer’s Guide to Steven Bryant’s Concerto for Alto Saxophone - Chester Jenkins

71 legato line that leads to the fermata at measure 99. Bryant gives very specific performance directions in the score, as can be seen after the fermata in measure 99. Figure 50. Concerto for Alto Saxophone 2 nd movement, measures 85-99. The passage at measure 141 and 142 requires technical execution of altissimo 60 notes, up to the altissimo C. Different options are available, but one might consider using a fingering system like the Samyn 61 altissimo fingering for this passage here. As altissimo is accepted as part of the range of the saxophone, and not an extended range, all altissimo passages should be performed as written. The final section of the second movement, from measure 171 to the end, can be an endurance test for the soloist. The saxophone and bass join the piano with this return to the opening music of the movement. The written dynamic in the saxophone part moves 60 Altissimo is defined as the range of the saxophone above written F#6 61 Noel Samyn, 9 Etudes Transcendantes pour Saxophone . (Paris: Gérard Billaudot Éditeur, 1977), 1.